Folder Management

Folder management is supported in the Media Library and in the All Campaign overview. It allows you to organize your media files and campaigns in a structured and logical way. The folder structure can be different for both. When an asset is not assigned to a folder it resides by default in the Uncategorized folder.

Create a new folder

Creating a new folder, whether it is from the Media Library or from the Campaigns overview, is done in the following way.

1. Click Create new folder in the left-side menu.

2. A dialog pops up to fill out the folder name.

3. Click Continue. The new folder is added to the folder structure on the left. The current number of assets in the folder is indicated.


Adding assets to folders

Adding media files or campaigns to a folder can be done by simple drag and drop of the asset onto the folder. The asset count is automatically updated to reflect this.

For campaigns, there are additional ways to access to folder structure.

1. Upon creating a new campaign, a folder can be assigned. Click the folder icon to access the folder structure and select a folder:

2. On the Campaign Details page, hovering over the folder icon displays the name of the folder in which the campaign is stored.

To move the campaign to a different folder, click the folder icon to display the folder structure and select a different folder:


Viewing the content of a folder

To view the content of a specific folder, click the folder name. All assets in that folder are listed and the breadcrumb at the top is updated to reflect the current location in the folder structure: